Constitution of the Islamic Study Circle

A-1 Name:

Name of the organization shall be Islamic Study Circle J & K.

A-2 Faith of this organization:

“Islamic study circle” J&K shall be based on: (La Ilaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasoolullah) and its policies and programmes shall be within the frame work of Qur’an and Sunnah.

A-3 Nature of the organization:

This organization shall have a non-political character.

A-4 Aims and objectives:

a. Help in understanding and propagating Islam.
b. Study other religions.
c. Character building according to Islam.
d. General study of literature, science and sociology.
e. Initiative and encourage creative intellectual efforts to bring out the relevance of the principles of Islam to the problems of the contemporary age.
f. Initiate and co-operate in common welfare activities.
g. Educational upliftment and vocational guidance.
h. Promote inter-communal understanding and good-will.
i. Establish contacts with persons in the cause of Islam and to co-operate with the activities of different organizations with similar objectives provided it does not contravene article 3 of this constitution.

A-5 Membership:

There shall be two categories of members;
a. General Members
b. Basic Members
a. General Member:
i. Any person can become a General Member of the organization provided he/she agrees with its aims and objectives (as laid down in Art-4 of this constitution:.
ii. A General Member shall be enlisted by zonal Head after filling up the prescribed form.
iii. A General Member can attend the periodical Ijtimas.
iv. A General Member can act as an office bearer.
b. Basic Member: A general member who fulfills following conditions can become basic member:
i. Fills up the prescribed basic membership form.
ii. Has understood the fundamentals of Islam and tries to practice them in day-to-day life.
iii. Have worked as general member at least for a period of one year.
iv. Work with an enthusiasm and fervour for this organization.
v. Solemnly resolve to abide by this constitution.
vi. Is not a member of any other organization.

A-6. Recruitment of a basic member:

A General Member shall be declared as Basic Member of the Organization by District President after;
a) receiving recommendation from zonal Head and,
b) assessing drive and initiative of the concerned General Member through an interview.

A-7. Duties of a Basic Member:

A Basic Member should:
i. be a true emissary of Islam and should be well versed in Islamic Fundamentals.
ii. Try to inculcate a true Islamic discipline in himself.
iii. Observe a strict Islamic discipline in carrying out the organizational programme.
iv. Attend all Ijtimas and other important programmes and functions of the organization.
v. Generously extend financial help to the organization according to his means.

A-8. Suspension / Termination of membership of a General Member:

A General Member is liable to be suspended / terminated if;
i. He commits a Kabirah and
ii. His actions are detrimental to the cause of the organization.

A-9 Suspension / Termination of Membership of a Basic Member:

A Basic Member is liable to be suspended / terminated if;
i. He commits a Kabira.
ii. Deliberately neglects the Faraiz.
iii. Is found guilty of acts of indiscipline.
iv. Fails to attend four consecutive monthly Ijtimas without any Sharai Uzr.
v. Loses interest in the organizational activities.
vi. Resigns and the resignation is accepted.

A-9(a) Procedure of suspension and termination of General Member / Basic Member:

i. General Member:
A General Member shall be suspended by the zonal Head on the recommendation of concerned chairman, but the final decision of the termination of General Membership shall rest with District President.
ii. Basic Member:
A Basic Member can be suspended by the District President, but the final decision about the termination of Membership shall rest with the President.

A-10 The structure:

The structure of the Organization shall comprise;
a) President.
b) Advisory Council (A.C)
c) Central Executive
d) District Executive
e) Zonal Executive
f) Basic Unit Executive

A-11 President:

i. He shall be the head and the spokesman of the organization and shall preside over all A.C. and Central Executive meetings.
ii. He shall have the power to delegate the authority of spokesmanship to Secretary General or to any A.C. member.
iii. He shall be responsible for the smooth running of the organization.
iv. The authority of selecting any Basic for serving in any organizational capacity, at Central level can be exercised by him at any time. However, whenever need arises, the President may nominate any suitable person to take up responsibility at the Central level.
v. He shall have the full authority to spend from the Central Bait-ul-Mal of the organization to implement the programmes of the organization as per Budget. He may also issue order in consultation with Central Executive to Bait-ul-Mals at the District level and the Basic Unit level to diver funds for the organizational programmes at any time whenever such a need arises.
vi. He may invite any person, not necessarily a Basic Member to attend any A.C. meeting.
vii. He can start a new programme as and when he feels it necessary subject to confirmation by A.C.
viii. He shall be answerable before A.C. for smooth functioning of the organization.
ix. Whenever he feels, he may call a special meeting of the A.C. or of all Basic Members or some of them.
x. He may call explanation from any Basic Member at any time.

A-12. Advisory Council (status & powers):

a). It shall comprise of :
i. All the elected A. C members.
ii. Nominated members equal to maximum 1/3rd of the number of elected A. C. members. They shall be nominated by the president from among the basic members.
b). It shall be the consultative body for the president.
c). Its meetings shall be held at least once in three months on a notice issued by the secretary general.
d). In absence of the president and under an emergency situation, its meetings can also be called by any A. C. member.
e). Whenever a meeting is called, the attendance of the A. C. member is obligatory.
f). Its meeting shall be presided over by the president and in the absence of president, by the secretary general.
g). It shall approve the annual budget submitted by the central executive.
h). The decisions shall usually be taken unanimously. In case of difference of opinion, the decision of the president shall be final.
i). Under normal conditions, the quorum for a meeting shall be two third of the total strength of members. If the number of members turning up for a meeting is less than the fixed quorum, the regulation about the quorum may be relaxed for the next meeting without changing the agenda of the previous meeting.
j). Decision of A. C. cannot be rejected of amended at the district, zonal or at basic unit level.
k). If any member wants a change in some policy or part of it or put forward a new suggestion or programme, he should discuss it with his district president fully, who may pass it on to the president for consideration. The president may invite concerned member to explain his point of view. However, the president in consultation with the A. C. has the final authority to reject or accept the suggestion.

A-13. Election:

i. He shall be elected by the authority council from among themselves after every three years.
ii. At the time of election, no person shall stand as a candidate for the post of the president.
iii. In case the votes cast are equal for two or more persons, a second round of votes will be asked for, to elect one from among those.
iv. The existing president shall nominate the election commissioner for conducting fresh elections.
v. In absence of president, secretary general shall officiate.
vi. In case of grave emergency, any basic member can officiate as president of the organization.
vii. In case the president is away, he may delegate powers to any member of the A. C.
viii. Once a basic member gets elected as president by a majority vote, he cannot refuse without producing reasons within shariah.
ix. If the election is not held due to unavoidable circumstances, the same president shall continue to function till normalcy is restored.
x. After new president is elected, he shall be administered the oath by the election commissioner and the president in turn shall administer the same to other A. C. members.

A-14. Removal of the president:

i. In case he ceases to be a basic member.
ii. In case two third of the A.C. members feel that his policies are not in accordance with the basic policies of the organization.


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